Philanthropy Details

We are excited about our partnership with Washington Kids in Transition.

This group is incredible and involved in the community.
Here is their website if you haven't checked them out yet. Washiington Kids in Transition

Washington Kids in Transition is having a gala event on April 15th at 6pm at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Lynnwood.
There will be a silent auction, games, dinner, trivia, and a small live auction.
The event has sold out in the past so we are encouraged to get our tickets soon.

5-7 volunteers are needed for the auction.
Volunteers would assist with decorating and cleaning up after the event, writing down bid numbers during the event, selling raffle tickets, and being table runners for the silent auction.
They also need someone to help design and set up the 30 table centerpieces.

Link to Register and for more info on the gala. They also need items donated for their auction.