Annual Events: All Alpha Xi Delta Alumane are invited to our events
Alum Aunts is a more formal mentoring pairing of alumnae and collegiate members. (Spring Quarter)
Presentation is when the new members are welcomed into the Chapter and greeted by alumnae and parents. (September)
Holiday Party features a fun dinner and white elephant exchange. (December)
Pickle Mix is an annual social and auction which raises money for collegiate scholarships. (Depends on year)Scholarship Awards given to selected collegiate women each year. (March)
Founders' Day is a time to fondly and respectfully honor the ten courageous, intelligent and compassionate young women that gave roots to Alpha Xi Delta. We have an annual luncheon to honor this occasion and celebrate the accomplishments of Nu Chapter and Seattle Area Alumnae. The orders are presented to those achieving this milestone. (April)
Senior Ceremony is an annual celebration of Nu chapter's seniors graduation and welcoming them into the the alumnae association. (May)
National Convention is held bi-yearly for all alumnae to attend.(July)
Monthly events like happy hours, wine tastings, mentoring and socials are held through out the yesr. Check on Facebook for updates.
Washington Kids in Transition'Washington Kids in Transition Gala (April)